
Absolutely Pathetic.

My lack of posts lately, that is. Our garden is starting to go nuts, due in no small part (I'm sure) to the fact that I stay the fuck away from it. I hope the bounty of fresh veggies will bust me out of my slump and make me want to photograph food again.

I do have to acknowledge that part of the problem is that when the weather is as lovely as it has been, I will do just about anything to avoid going in the house.

I'm still making food, but I have little desire to photograph it and even less desire to sit in front of my computer futzing with the pictures and writing. My knitting is suffering as well, as easily 15 lbs of yarn languish in my overstuffed basket. Tony Harrison is half-finished... Maybe that should be my next project since finishing him would be the kind of epic win I need right now.

In hooligan news (did I mention the lovely weather? getting out on the bike is pretty much mandatory these days), another member has been added to our tiny, tiny motorcycle gang of scofflaws and miscreants on mean metric machines. Here she is, ready to flip off the man at 90 mph in a full wheelie:

Ladies and gentlemen, that's my mom and I couldn't be prouder of her. She is doing amazingly well on her Suzuki GS500 after passing her MSF course. More photos to come as we adventure around this great state together, looking for places along twisty roads to hike and swim.

Thanks for reading!!